SWODA owns vacant lots in Cordell, Sayre, and Altus for future home developments.  These developments are helping address the shortage of quality new homes throughout the SWODA region.  We are always looking for opportunities to improve housing in southwest Oklahoma.

Housing Development & Improvement

SWODA envisions a multi-phase approach to help address various housing issues throughout our eight county region. SWODA wants to establish a process working with Counties, Cities & Towns, and other partners that helps meet the demand for new housing and addresses the clean-up of substandard housing units.

SWODA plans to construct moderate size (1,400-1,600 sq ft average) market housing to help meet the needs of workforce families. These built to specification (Spec) homes would generally consist of (3) Bedrooms, (2) Baths, (2) Car garage, all kitchen appliances, and basic amenities.

In the second phase of the program, SWODA would like to work with Counties, Cities and Towns, and private property owners to acquire property with substandard dwellings or 'clean' property on which a dwelling has already been razed. SWODA will utilize income from the sales of new housing units to acquire and cleanup these properties. After properties are 'clean', SWODA will work with local officials and citizens to determine the best approach to re-developing the lots.

Housing Development and improvement is a long-term program. Due to the time involved for construction activities, the amount of financial resources invested, and the legal issues related to land acquisition and sales, this program will not be an overnight fix to housing issues within the region. SWODA's desire is to make a difference in the availability of new homes and improve the overall condition and appearance of housing throughout our region.

For information about the housing program please contact Michael Ryburn at 580-562-5031 or michael@swoda.org.  

24-02 Fair Housing.pdf