Focus Area - Workforce

This section addresses the following items identified in the SWOT analysis:

Vision Statement

Increasing the number of adults in southwest Oklahoma who obtain associates, certification, credential, some college, or four-year college degrees would considerably improve the overall economic health of the region’s workforce and businesses. 


1. Increase the number of residents obtaining post high school certifications.

2. Increase the credentials of people 25+ already in the workforce by 10% in the next 5 years.

3. Increase the median income to greater than 80% of the U.S. per capita in the next 5 years.

4. Implement career pathways programs in at least 10 school systems in the next 5 years. 

Implementation Activities

1. Re-establish a local workforce group.

2. Work with 15 local school systems to adopt Oklahoma Works Career Pathways initiatives.

3. Implement work-based learning programs including apprenticeships and internships.

4. Develop a career match making scholarship program within 2 years to assist employers in recruitment efforts and assist students with financing their education. 

5. Utilize Oklahoma Works Incumbent Worker Training and Career Technology Centers as a resource to help employers train 100 employees over the next 5-years. 

Outcome Measures

Ultimately the measurement of the improvements in southwest Oklahoma’s workforce will be reflected in the improvement in per capita median wage.