Focus Area – Marketing And Tourism

This section addresses the following items identified in the SWOT analysis:

Vision Statement

The region has unique characteristics, assets, natural resources, and opportunities that need to be better marketed for economic development. A regional approach to marketing would conserve limited resources and allow for efforts to be broadcast towards a larger audience or specific targeted audience. 

From a tourism standpoint, some land use and development of recreational facilities and activities could be improved to create more in-area and outside of the area interest and usage. In addition to those investments, more marketing and advertising of the area’s attractions would expand economic opportunities. Expansion of outdoor activities would encourage and increase healthy living activities, which would combat some of the State’s poor health outcomes. 


1. Inform and encourage communities, real estate agents and developers, and economic development officials to utilize

2. Discuss with larger communities and chambers of commerce cross-promotion marketing highlighting regional assets.

3. Work with the state and communities along Route 66 to support preservation, economic development, promotion, research, and/or education projects. 

4. Explore land use of public owned properties throughout the region. 

Implementation Activities

1. Demonstrate at economic development planning and community meetings.

2. Work with industrial park management and Oklahoma Air & Space Port to get available properties listed online by the end of 2021.

3. Initiate an internship to work on community marketing and regional marketing strategy. 

4. SWODA grant writing to assist with tourism projects, grant funding, and applications.

5. Discuss public land use and development projects at Foss Lake, Altus-Lugert, and other properties.

6. Form local partnerships with interested parties to determine the best use of public lands.

7. SWODA grant writing and partnerships to seek investments for projects or developments.

Measurable Outcomes

The measurement of outcomes for marketing and tourism will be harder to track than other measures. Marketing the assets of the region will be measurable by tracking the facilities listed and the new businesses occupying that space. Measuring the effect of increased tourism could be accomplished by increased usage fees at certain facilities or increases in local sales taxes or new business or job creation.