South Western Oklahoma Development Authority

The South Western Oklahoma Development Authority (SWODA), headquartered in Burns Flat, was created in 1971 in a joint effort by municipalities, counties and districts in Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, Roger Mills and Washita counties. From these governmental units and from other population segments in the region, 30 representatives are elected to serve on SWODA's governing board. The board of trustees determines policy for SWODA. Leaders in these communities recognized that some problems shared by many of these governments could be better solved if they worked together.
Strengthen local governments by providing services and technical assistance.
Promote orderly growth and development through job creation and the preservation of the environmental integrity.
Improve the quality of life by maximizing economic and social opportunities for the region and its population.
Main Office
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 569, Burns Flat, OK 73624
Physical Address: 420 Sooner Drive, Burns Flat, OK 73624
Phone Number: (800) 627-4882 or (580) 562-4882
Fax Number: (580) 562-4880
E-mail Address: Please see the Staff Directory for program questions our general information email is but may take longer for a response.
Hearing Impaired Calling Assistance: If calling from a TDD machine, please dial 711. You will connect to a TDD operator, who can assist you with calling SWODA. This operator can also assist with any other calls.